Fiji Police Force Recruitment 2025-2026 | How to Apply

Fiji Police Force Recruitment Online Application 2025 | How to Apply Fiji Police Force Recruitment Application Portal.

Here on this Educative Page, We inform you about the Fiji Police Force Recruitment Application Portal, the Fiji Police Force Recruitment Requirements, & Fiji Police Force Recruitment Online Application.

However, it is crucial to clarify the requirements for police recruiting. If a person meets the requirements for citizenship, age, background, entry-level education, and good health, they may be qualified to apply. Prior to upcoming recruitment efforts, interested people are asked to check their own physical health and fitness. The following conditions must be satisfied:

  • You must be a citizen of Fiji and you have lived in Fiji for the past 10 years consecutively.
  • Your age group is between 18 years to 25 years old.
  • Present your latest Police Clearance.
  • A year 12 graduate is the minimum entry-level for education requirement.
  • You must have a sound health.
  • Police clearance certifies that the applicant is free from any from of criminal activities for the past 15 years.
  • A sound health ascertain that the applicant is both physically fit and healthy to cope with outdoor activities and endure extreme military activities.

The RFMF Medical specialists at the RFMF George Mate Medical Centre will assess applicants’ health to ensure that they are eligible for Fiji police force recruitment. Brief medical board criteria for applicants are as follows:


  • Must not possess any physical disabilities or medical conditions such as epilepsy and asthma.
  • Must meet the BMI criteria of less than 30.
  • Must be dentally fit.
  • Will undergo mandatory blood teses for sexually transmitted diseases such as:
    Hepatitis, Syphillis, and HIV.
  • Undergo mandatory tests for drugs such as Marijuana.
  • Undergo Eye tests to rule out eye problems, colour blindness.
  • Applicants will undergo a Chest X-Ray.
    All applicants must pass the mandatory physical examination performed by a medical officer.
  • Required Fitness Level
    RFMF Physical Training Instructors (PTI) will assess applicants’ physical fitness during recruitment drives. Meeting the required fitness level is an important aspect of any military institution. As such applicants will be assessed according to their age group and gender to meet the required fitness level listed below:

Age Group Gender Press Ups Sit Ups Chin Ups 2.4Km Run
17 – 24 Male 28 50 7 10.30 Minutes
Female 12 34 – 13 Min
25 – 29 Male 25 47 6 10.55
Female 10 32 – 14.30

The names of the chosen candidates will be published in the daily newspapers of Fiji. The recruitment process for the Fiji police force has not yet started. Dates have not yet been set as a result. Please bookmark our site and check back frequently for the most recent information on Fiji recruitments.

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